‘O’ level course of DOEACC Scheme is equivalent to a Foundation Level Course in Computer Applications. Students can acquire this qualification by undergoing this course and passing the examination conducted by the DOEACC Society. Working professionals can also appear in this examination directly, provided they possess the requisite educational qualification as indicated below.
For students appearing through an institute: 10 + 2 or ITI Certificate ( one year) after class 10 followed in each case by an accredited ‘O’ Level Course.
Successful completion of the second year of a Government recognized polytechnic engineering / diploma course after class 10, followed by an accredited ‘O’ level course concurrently during the third year of the said polytechnic engineering diploma course. ii) For students-at-large (Direct Applicants): 10 + 2 or ITI Certificate (one year) after class 10 followed in each case, by one-year relevant experience. (Relevant experience cannot job experience in IT, including teaching in a recognized institution as faculty member, excludes coaching.